hole in London
At the bottom of the pit

Water has disappeared at number 32 Lever Street. An excavator arrived to fix the accident. It dug a huge pit in the yard looking for pipes. But they were never found. The workers studied the pit for a long time. Then they got frustrated and decided not to excavate until the next day.

In the evening, Uncle Harry was on his way home. It was dark, so he didn’t see the hole and fell right into it. The workers had put up a fence on both sides. But they could not have guessed that Uncle Harry would decide to come in from the flanks.

When Uncle Harry found himself in the hole, he tried to get out of it. But he couldn’t make it. He started calling for help. He was shouting exactly the right words to shout when he fell. You know the words well, so we won’t go through them all.

The neighbours heard the native speech and woke up. They all poured out on the balconies, eager to find out who was talking. The creature that gets into the pit is bound to arouse the incredible interest of all the fellows.

A little later, Uncle Fred came out of the house. He decided to help the sufferer and held out his hand. But either Uncle Harry pulled too hard, or Uncle Fred wasn’t steady enough. As a result, Uncle Fred fell on Uncle Harry. At first they fought, but then they still managed to find common ground. By common effort they managed to climb out of the hole.

A funny story about a pit

The next day

In the afternoon the workers returned. It turned out that they had been digging in the wrong place the day before, so the cable was not found. The hole in the yard had been buried. Excavation of a new hole in the street began. At a depth of one and a half metres they found signs of civilisation in the form of a cable. It failed and fell an imminent victim to the excavation. The workers decided not to do anything for the time being and waited until morning. As you know, thinking with fresh thinking is much better.

As you may have guessed by now, Uncle Harry was on his way home in the evening. He remembered well that there was a hole in the yard, so he decided to go around it. But again he fell into the hole, which was in the street. Uncle Harry managed to find a torn telephone cable. It’s worth remembering that the voltage in the telephone line is high during a call. That’s why telecom operators never protect the wires with their teeth. It was this voltage that Uncle Harry took over.

Uncle Harry used to go to college to study electrical engineering. Now the knowledge he had gained came in very handy. He got an incredible boost of energy and overcame the earth’s gravity. When Uncle Harry reached the surface, he cursed the archeologists and staggered home. He moved very carefully, as he was no longer sure of anything.

The state of the pit on the third day

The workers returned in the morning to continue the excavation. They did not succeed in doing so, as there were angry telecom operators sitting in the hole and they were repairing the telephone line.

The workers decided to dig a hole nearby. The pipes were finally discovered. In doing so, they got carried away and dug a very long trench. It encroached on a footpath. They had to build a bridge over it.

Uncle Harry was on his way home in the evening. He had been given his wages, so he bought himself a bottle and consumed it as intended. Suddenly a trench appeared in front of Uncle Harry. He was ready for it, so he walked over the bridges without any problem. But then he fell into the trench with the cable. Almost immediately the whole house became aware of the adventure.

The neighbours came out onto their balconies. They were intrigued. An ambulance was called. Uncle Harry was extracted from the pit and beautifully dressed in plaster. For the next two months, Uncle Harry resembled a kitty made of porcelain. When he was finally taken out, he rather went for a half-litre.

And the following week, the water at No. 34 Lever Street was also gone. An excavator came by. But no pipes were found.

At the bottom of the pit